About My Collection

Research It! is a storage place for my thoughts and accumulated files about varied historical and contemporary subjects I find interesting. It is my way of talking to myself, but you are welcome to eavesdrop. As a history buff, you will be more interested in my collection of audio, video, image, map, and document files that I have collected in my research. Now, most of the files are Texas and Houston related because I am finishing up a nineteenth century historical fiction set in those times and places. More files are accumulating as I gather research for a seventeenth century historical fiction about a forced voyage to the New World.

About My Purpose Here

I have such an awesome collection, much of which I have not used in my writings, but I know that others are mining for some of the same files. So, as a “Thank you” to those who shared freely with me, I am paying forward. The images and documents that I post here, to my knowledge, are in the public domain or I have permission to share them. I am working to make the complete files available. You may download or copy them.

If you have documentation that any file posted is copyrighted, please contact me with the documentation: prthompson@prthompson.net

The Exception to Free

I have some rare documents that I worked to transcribe and other long historical manuscripts that I organized into bookmarked .pdf files for easy navigation. For those, I ask payment using a link to PayPal. I will add a complete order page asap.
In the meantime, here is the order page for Texas historical manuscripts by Ethel Zivly Rather:

Enjoy your Search!

My Privacy Policy:
I collect no information on this site about visitors; I have neither the time nor the interest. My understanding is that WordPress and the plugins used may collect information for security and prevention of spam. I have no control over that. Also, I am advised to remind you that if you follow a link offered on this site, then the destination site may or may not collect information. You must check that linked site for its own privacy policy.

Thank you,
P.R. Thompson