Good Money Songs

This informal compilation of the songs as they appear in the novel is especially for readers of Good Money who are not familiar with them. Those of you who grew up with them, may sing along.

My ultimate vision is to produce the novel as a digital interactive publication with the songs, pictures, videos, and maps available by clicking on an icon within the text, as appears in children’s books. However, I have so far neither found a way to set it up myself nor found anyone interested in setting up such a digital, evidently because Amazon publishing does not accept it. I do not understand why, but will pursue it now that the text is completed and printed as standard ebook and print versions, available on Amazon.


I am immersed in getting a final copy of the Good Money manuscript on Amazon. It is doable, but this being my first excursion into self-publishing a novel, the learning curve is, of course, broad and long.

A little background for those who are thinking about self-publishing:
My original thought was to hire someone to prepare the manuscript. The best I found and hoped to use was BookBaby. My problem with BookBaby was #1 the entire fee was payable upfront. I have a real problem with paying anything upfront. #2 Although the quoted fee, $1785.00, was doable, my conversations with a friend who is having her manuscript prepared by a different company indicated that the final fee could and probably would grow to $3,000+. I thought, “Why not try it myself with KDP (Kindle Digital Publishing)?”

Step by step instructions and videos are available. I followed them explicitly in preparing the .docx. I saved the document as a .pdf as instructed and uploaded it. Thus began the journey. After upload, I am told of formatting errors that must be corrected. I correct and re-upload, repeatedly. Finding the correct margins became a time consuming and frustrating experience. However, eventually it was accepted. Actually, I found that acceptance came more quickly after I stopped uploading a .pdf file and switched to uploading my .docx file.

The book went immediately online. I ordered a copy, Prime delivery. Discovered errors. I republished six times before getting it to an acceptable level for myself. I have ordered yet another Prime copy for final check, but expect it to be O.K.

Update: No, it is not O.K. The problem is that the Title page, the Table of Contents page, and the Part One page are on back pages rather than facing pages. I corrected, uploaded, previewed, ordered new copy. The beginning pages are correctly placed; however, three end-of-book pages are now on back pages rather than facing pages. Corrected problem. Previewed. Reordered. Problem reverted to front pages improperly placed. Corrected . Previewed. Reordered. Same problem reverted to the end-of-book pages. I accepted the least grievous of the two problem areas and left the three end-of-book pages misplaced. If later I can find the correction, I will try again.

My summary thought is that the $3,000 total fee for someone else to do the finalized publishing chore is a fair price. However, I am happy to invest the $3,000 I saved into a stock purchase that will probably give a pay-back, and I know that my next self-publication through KDP will be more efficient in time and effort.