In-Person Election Day

The 2020 U.S. Presidential election process is one step closer to being finished at the end of today–not finished, but one step closer, we are told by the media blitzes. They breathlessly and repeatedly announce that the actual final count may go on for days or weeks. Thinly veiled hints warn of a coup d’état. Be prepared! Be afraid!

Such emotionalism drives me to research. What goes round, comes round. All is a cycle. To gain some balance, I found this article informative, “Eight Most Contentious U.S. Presidential Elections” compiled by Sarah Pruitt. She begins with the election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800 and ends with the George Bush election in 2020. I have no objection to the message, “Be prepared,” but I am weary to the core of bubbleheads on major television cables telling me how “afraid” I am, how “deeply anxious” I am. I am neither afraid nor anxious. Unfortunately, I strongly suspect that this blanket of emotionalism is here to stay. The propaganda techniques are now well developed and well rewarded.

I go now to cast my vote.